Our terrain has the goods!
Easily identifiable by users
In order to identify decorative stone products from the Walloon extraction industry, we have created the ‘Local stone’ certification, which allows us to clearly and quickly stand out from the stone building materials available on the market.
The logo guarantees that the products with this label are from Wallonia. It aims to provide them with a unique brand and image, so that using them becomes a reflex for all public and private project managers.

‘Local stone’: an ID and a promotional tool for professional and private users
The certification appears in the form of a logo. It informs the user of three elements:
1. the production and processing site: Wallonia
2. the producer/processor: a local stakeholder
3. the nature of the product: natural stone from a quarry in Wallonia with a particularly short supply circuit.
This is a voluntary system and an informative tool. The certification does not fall under any legal, European, national or regional obligations. It is the duty of each approved producer/processor to comply with their contractual commitments. It is, first and foremost, through individual self-inspections and self-regulation in the sector that we ensure compliance with requirements. The reputation of the certification is a shared responsibility and benefits each person individually.
The PIERRES et MARBRES de WALLONIE not-for-profit organisation is a promotional body serving operators. It is not intended to be a supervisory authority. However, in the event of reasonable doubts, the not-for-profit organisation may carry out inspections and, in the event of non-compliance with the conditions of the agreement, it may decide to withdraw the logo.
1. Promoting Walloon expertise from one end of the value chain to the other
This means master quarry workers, marble workers and stonemasons, distributors and those involved with the design and construction stages (architects, design offices, project managers, public authorities, entrepreneurs, etc.).
2. Promoting and favouring local resources
It is essential to differentiate between natural stones from Wallonia that come from quarries close to work sites (construction, renovation, restoration) and other stones that sometimes spend weeks in transit and, at the end of the day, are not of the appropriate quality for our country (in particular, resistance to weather conditions).
3. Providing information about the origin of products and favouring short supply circuits
From production to final installation at the client’s premises, the circuit could not be shorter and has minimal environmental impact. The entire supply chain is beneficial to the local economy and limits the number of intermediaries and the transport distances.
4. Creating a quality image
Any stakeholders bearing the certification commit to complying with the established requirements.
The certification does not replace – or guarantee the validity of – other information found on the product (for example, a label that complies with European labelling obligations). This responsibility rests with the person who attached this information. The same applies for compliance with various regulatory obligations (administrative, environmental, social, etc.). Compliance with these is the responsibility of the producer/processor of the product and inspection of them is the duty of the competent authorities.

In short – ‘Local stone’
Creates an image
Promotes Walloon expertise
Distinguishes our natural Walloon stones
Provides information about origins