Shistose sandstone

Other names/varieties
Warche sandstone, Paliseul stone, Mouzaive sandstone, Ranhissart stone.
Extraction area
The Ardennes region, Liège and Luxembourg provinces
Mineralogical components
Mixture of ferruginous, aluminous and clay minerals, and silica.
Maximum dimensions of raw blocks
Length 0.5–3 m; Width 0.25–2 m; Thickness 0.4 m (depending on the variety).
Minimum application thickness
Paving 3 cm; vertical element 5 cm.
Surface effects
Rough, split, sometimes sawn.
Common outdoor applications
flat rubble stone, corner stones, voussoirs, lintels, paving, wall copings, window sills, sills, furniture.
Common indoor applications
tiles, decoration.

Shistose sandstone quarries

Carrière de Mouzaive-Cardem S.A.
Nelles S.A.